Tyler Turchin
Project 1 WIP

For this first project I will be using VDMX to perform a video jockey routine. After playing with the software a bit, I have noticed that VJing is similar to editing in final cut or premiere pro. The only difference is that video editing is done to create a final product, whereas VJing is done live. This form of live editing reminds me of light shows and concert visuals which is where I got the inspiration for my project idea. I will try to use VDMX to create a performance that will show the relationship between sound and movement. To show this relationship I will attempt to mix videos of string vibrations, dancing, and moving water over a piece of music. I think the idea of visualizing sounds is very intriguing and I think VDMX is the perfect software to explore this idea. I definitely still need some practice with the software, but I am getting more comfortable with the interface.

Project 2 WIP

For my second project, son of a glitch, I will be using various softwares to create a series of photo and video glitches. The theme for my project will be simulation theory, the theory that suggests that we are all living in some kind of simulation. This theory was popularized by The Matrix in 1999, and more recently by Elon Musk. I chose this as my theme because I think the concept will work well with the glitch aesthetic and the nature of glitch in general. I will be using stills from The Matrix and other imagery that correlates with simulations such as video games. I have started glitching photos with the text edit software which I have included below.

Project 3 WIP

My avatar is a six foot tall male octopus named Simon. Other than his unusual height, Simon has the typical anatomy of an octopus. He has eight tentacles, two brown eyes, two hearts, and hundreds of suction cup suckers. Simon is only twenty eight years old, but dresses in a long coat and top hat as if he was from 1905. Simon was born in Miami, Florida on June 5th 1992, but moved to Los Angeles when he was 18. Simon loves painting and surfing, but spends the majority of his time practicing as a goalie for his rec league ice hockey team. Simon isn’t scared of much, he only fears sharks, commitment, and Nobu. Simon is currently single and enjoys meeting women on the weekends with his best friend Mark. Simon usually begins the day listening to classical music while he meditates and prepares for a morning surf session. He then spends his afternoons training at the rink with Mark. Over quarantine, Simon spent his time on a series of pen and ink drawings that focused on abstract expressionism. Simon is a good guy, he's just a bit lazy, which is why he doesn’t have a job. He says he doesn’t need to work because he will be drafted by the LA Kings in no time. He isn’t willing to accept the fact that the NHL is exclusively for humans so he is a species equality activist. Simon has tried to get the league to change their policy, but they are not willing to because having eight arms is obviously a competitive advantage.
For this project I will use Adobe Animate to bring my avatar Simon to life. I will create an animation of Simon talking about himself and his lifestyle. I have begun to design what Simon will look like and I have included a quick sketch above. I may also use Premiere Pro to edit Simon's monologue and maybe After Effects to add some kind of vfx to it. I have only done frame by frame animation in the past so I am excited to use a new method with Animate.
After experiencing some issues with Adobe Animate I have decided to use procreate to make a frame by frame animation of Simon. I created four separate movements and plan to arrange them using Premier. The movements I chose to animate are, Simon waving, waving an arm up an down, blinking, and moving his eyes back and forth. I have began writing the code for the twitter bot and making the twitter account for Simon.

Final Project WIP

For the final Project I have decided to do a series of digital self portraits in three different artistic styles. I have done a plethora of digital portraits in the past, so I am looking forward to doing some for myself. The styles I have chosen are, realistic, cartoon and I have yet to decide the third. I have begun working on the realistic portrait by taking reference photos, and blocking in colors. I am approaching this portrait as I would a painting and testing a variety of brushes to get my desired style. I have also completed the majority of the cartoon portrait shown below. I'm not sure what I will do for the third image, but I am considering making some kind of abstract portrait. I planned on using Adobe Illustrator and Procreate for this project, but so far I have only used Procreate.