Tyler Turchin
Project 1
VDMX Performance
In this project I used VDMX to portray the correlation between sound and movement. I have always been interested in the concept of sound and how it is visually represented. At many live concerts you will see screens with visuals to accompany the music you are listening to. This fascinates me because sound is thought of an auditory sensation without a visual element. In fact, sound is created from a series of vibrations which are visible in some instances. For example, when you see guitar strumming you can see the strings vibrating, and those vibrations are what create the noise. In my performance, I aimed to create the familiar experience of concert visuals using the visible representation of sound. I also wanted to include images of dancing, to show the expressive movement that music inspires within humans. In my VDMX performance I incorporated videos of water moving, guitars strumming, and people dancing to show the interrelationship of movement and sound.

Project 2
Son of a Glitch

Project 3 - A Living Soul

For this project I created an animation and twitter account for my living soul Simon. I used procreate to make a series of simple frame by frame animations and assembled them using Premiere Pro. I then added my recorded monologue to make a two and a half minute video of my avatar. Next I used “cheap bots done quick” to write a code for the twitter bot. I created ten origin sentences and compiled a large list of words to be sampled from. When doing this project I ran into problems with Adobe Animate which slowed down my project a bit. I had to change to Procreate which ended up working for the animation, but took a lot longer than I anticipated. Overall, I had a lot of fun with this project. I really enjoyed bringing life to my idea through animation and giving him a voice through twitter. This project was my first experience writing code and I liked it way more than I could’ve imagined. If I were to do this project again, I think I would spend more time developing my character. I think a concrete personality would’ve made this project a lot easier as I created Simon.

Final Project

For this project I decided to create a series of digital self portraits in three different styles. The styles I chose to portray myself in are, cartoon, realistic, and abstract. I chose this idea to explore the power of portrayal and self identity. For my realistic portrait I used Procreate to paint myself as accurately as possible. This representation shows how others perceive me and how I actually appear. For the cartoon portrait I used Procreate to illustrate a simple cartoon version of the first portrait. This representation shows the more playful and artistic side of my personality. Finally, I used Procreate to create an abstract version of myself. This representation shows the unknown within myself. I really enjoyed this project because digital portraits are my favorite form of art. I also liked how instead of just one portrait, I was challenged to make a series and explore different artistic styles.