Tyler Turchin
About Me

Welcome to my blog. My name is Tyler Turchin and I am a studio art major at the University Of Colorado Boulder. I am 21 years old and I have been an artist for as long as I can remember. I work in a variety of mediums from music to pastels, but recently I have been focusing on digital practices. I view my work as a representation of my consciousness and personality. I create art for the purposes of self expression as well as self exploration. With every new piece I make I hope to inspire creativity and learn something new about myself. My favorite part about making art is the process rather than the finished product. I find the process therapeutic in a way as my patience and attention to detail is constantly tested. With every piece I create, I feel like I am shedding skin and evolving as both an artist and a person. In this blog you will find work from my digital art 1 portfolio and I will be constantly updating my digital art 2 portfolio as the semester progresses. Below I have featured some of my favorite digital pieces including, The last Supper: Bachelor Party, a digital portrait of my grandfather, the cover of my debut mixtape: Ditro, and a digital study of an Air Jordan 1. If you would like to contact me, you can reach me at my email address, tytu9282@colorado.edu.