Tyler Turchin
Project 1

For my first project I have decided to begin creating the homepage for a custom website. This homepage looks like a desk with different objects which will eventually contain links to subpages within the site. I chose six different objects to represent six subpages. A sketchbook for WIP, a camera for photographs, headphones for music, a phone for socials, hanging pictures for a gallery, and a monitor for featured information. For this project I wanted a solid base to build upon which is why I began with the homepage image. My idea for this project is to create an interactive virtual location to serve as a home for all of my work. I came up with this idea to be a piece of art showcasing my art in a cohesive way. I am excited to expand on this homepage and learn more about website design in the process.

Project 2

For my second project I continued to develop my website from project 1. Last project I completed the background for the home page of my site, so for this project I started making the site functional. Before starting this project, I had a detailed plan for everything I wanted to include in my website. When I began working on my vision, I realized how difficult it really is to build a website from scratch. Right from the start I ran into formatting problems with the background image, but finally found a way to make it work. With each step I kept running into more problems which is when I realized I had to simplify my entire concept. In the end, I made a website with different web pages linked to each item in my home page image. These pages include, a sketchbook for work in progress, a photo album, a gallery, a link to my soundcloud, and a link to socials and contact info. It didn’t turn out exactly how I wanted, but I am glad I got to learn a bit about website design. For this project I was different in over my head, but I learned a lot in the process and I would be interested in trying something like this again.

Project 3

For my third project I decided to create a digital painting of a teddy bear wearing a medical mask. I was inspired to do this after reading an article about how masks are affecting kids psychologically. Initially, I planned on doing a series of portraits of people wearing a mask and people smiling without a mask. After discussing my idea with the class, I altered my concept to be more geared towards kids and changed my subject from a person to a stuffed animal. I also wanted to push my concept beyond the digital realm so I created a “get well soon” card using the image. To create this image I used Procreate and painted it using traditional methods. I began with a sketch and then started to block in basic shapes and colors like I would in an analog painting. I had a lot of fun with this project and I was very satisfied with the finished product. For my next project I will likely expand on this idea and see what else I can do with this concept.

Project 4